100 Days of Josie

You know when everything just magically comes together? This was that. 

Lately my girlfriends and I are trying to get more into styling so we had a lot of fun planning and decorating for Josie's 100 days dinner. We bought a bunch of eucalyptus and florals to jazz up the space and designed these name place prayer cards. I baked a chocolate cake with earl grey curd, some mini cupcakes and doughnuts. Jin cooked up angel hair pasta aglio e olio with fried garlic and steak. Sam and Kate cooked an asparagus bacon side while David tossed up arugula salad with fresh cherry tomatoes. In the midst of all this preparation, I love taking a moment to pause and watch my friends working side-by-side in the kitchen, cooking sometimes without even speaking. I swear, food is a form of language and it brings everyone closer together. 

More nights like this please.